Redeeming the Irredeemable: The Diabolical Striped Garment| Holland Land Office Museum
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Join the Holland Land Office Museum on August 24th for Brandon Brooks, John L. Wehle Gallery curator at Genesee Country Village & Museum, presenting 'Redeeming the Irredeemable: The Diabolical Striped Garment."
The presentation will explore how society has used stripes and striped garments to draw a line between those who are welcome and those who are not. From nefarious criminals, rebels, insurgents, and prisoners, to the middle-class masses, and those wishing to embrace seaside luxury, the history of stripes is full of colorful and conflicting implications.
Extent pieces Bruce & Susan Greene Costume Collection pieces will complement this discussion.
Brooks works with over 400 years of European and American sporting and wildlife art, as well as over 300 years of fashion and textile material culture.
- $5 for nonmembers
- $3 for members
If you plan to attend, contact the museum at 585-343-4727 or email it at
"This project is made possible with funds from the statewide Community Regrant Program, a regrant program of the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature and administered by GO ART!"